producers: members of the Thiririka Farmers Cooperative Society
region: Kiambu
elevation: 1600 – 1800 m.a.s.l
species and varietal: arabica, SL28, SL34, Ruiru 11 and Batian
processing method: washed
fermentation: spontaneous
The Thiririka FCS was founded in 1995; today the cooperative operates 3 separate factories (Kiganjo, Githembe, & Ndundu). Around 2400 members belong to the Cooperative and around 800 of these deliver to the Kiganjo factory. The FCS itself is named after the Thiririka River, one of the main bodies of water in the region. The affiliate members of the co-op are required to be very diligent in using best practices to carry out all agronomic activities associated with coffee production, including sourcing coffee seeds from the Coffee Research Institute’s Coffee Research Station.