Julian & Cleber
producers: Julian Carahujulca & Cleber Cordoba
region: Luya & Jaén
elevation: 1800 – 1950 m.a.s.l
species and variety: arabica, Gesha
processing method: natural
fermentation: spontaneous
Julian and his family have been cultivating coffee in the Luya region for years, but their lives changed when they started focusing on specialty quality. In 2021, he planted a Gesha variety on his farm, seeing the success of other producers. Julian’s Gesha crop is not yet at the critical mass to be economically exportable, so our importer created a blend from Julian’s and another producer, Cleber Cordoba’s, natural-processed Gesha batch. Cleber also comes from a coffee-grower family and represents the younger generation, who are willing to break with tradition and boldly experiment with new processing methods and exotic varieties.